Partnerships and Memberships
Working with partners for the benefit of mutually agreed outcomes is an important feature of SSE’s approach and our ability to achieve our sustainable business goals. Achieving sustainable outcomes and creating value for both shareholders and society requires mature relationships between SSE and our stakeholders.
We also benefit from many partnerships, both large and small, where we work with organisations in the pursuit of shared goals. Our key partnerships, memberships and pledges are detailed below, along with our shared objectives which help us contribute to society.
Member since | Shared objective for society | |
Accounting For Sustainability(A4S) | 2013 | Inspiring action by finance leaders to drive a fundamental shift towards resilient business models and a sustainable economy |
Barnardo's | 2008 | To support the employability and work opportunities for young people not in education, employment or training |
Business in the community - Ireland (BITC) | 2015 | Bringing about a sustainable low-carbon economy and a more inclusive society where everyone thrives |
Career Ready | 2013 | To support young people to get ready for the workplace following education |
EP100 | 2019 | Increasing energy efficiency, and net zero |
Equal Approach | 2017 | The measurement and embedding of inclusion and supporting inclusive talent |
EV100 | 2019 | Aiming to make electric vehicles (EVs) ‘the new normal’ by 2030 |
Fair Tax Mark | 2014 | Creating a culture of pride and transparency in corporation tax |
Future of the Corporation | 2018 | Being equipped to deal with the challenges of our future and how it can make society better for everyone |
Global Wind Energy Council | 2021 | Promoting a decarbonised energy building powered by clean electricity |
Institute of Business Ethics | 2016 | The achievement of high standards of business behaviour based on ethical values |
Living Hours | 2021 | Reducing in-work poverty |
Living Wage | 2013 | Reducing in-work poverty |
PWC Tech She Can | 2020 | Inspiring and educating young girls and women to get into tech careers and sharing best practice |
RenewableNI | 2011 | Promoting a decarbonised energy building powered by clean electricity |
RenewableUK | 2001 | Promoting a decarbonised energy building powered by clean electricity |
Scottish Renewables | 2007 | Promoting a decarbonised energy building powered by clean electricity |
Social Mobility Pledge | 2019 | Taking steps to boost opportunity and social mobility |
Supply Chain Sustainability School | 2020 | Helping suppliers and industries address and mitigate sustainability issues |
The Elevate Pledge | 2021 | Focusing on driving greater diversity and inclusion in the workplace |
The Low Carbon Pledge | 2018 | To reach the global carbon reduction targets set in the Paris Agreement and maintain global temperatures at less than 2C below pre-industrial levels |
The Skills Accord | 2016 | To promote investment in training and skills development through procurement practices |
UNGC | 2018 | The alignment of business strategies and operation with universal principles |
Utilities Sector Modern Slavery Working Group | 2020 | To collaborate with other organisations in the sector to address modern slavery risks |
Valuable 500 | 2020 | Act on the structural inequalities against people with disabilities |
Wind Energy Ireland | 2002 | Promoting a decarbonised energy building powered by clean electricity |
SSE is a signatory on the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
SSE is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the largest corporate sustainability initiative promoting responsible business practices. As a signatory, SSE is guided by the Ten Principles of the UNGC, focused on the environment, human rights, labour and anti-corruption, into its approach to business. The performance disclosed within this report outlines our progress against these Principles. The UNGC seeks to catalyse action in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from its signatory companies. We align key performance indicators to international non-financial reporting standards and frameworks. This includes individual targets of the UN's SDGs and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework.
Transparent political engagement and advocacy
Political engagement
Regulators, non-departmental public bodies and institutions of government have a key role to play in the sector in which SSE operates, and we are therefore required to engage with them on a regular basis.
We work to the standards set out in SSE’s Group Political and Regulatory Engagement Policy and aim to maintain the highest standards of probity in our engagement with government and regulators. We aim to work in line with relevant best practice and, where applicable, regulation and legislation, and ensure any representations made by us are fair and balanced and represent our position truthfully and honestly.
SSE remains politically neutral and does not contribute to political parties or political campaigns; and we avoid doing anything that could be construed in any way as solicitation of favour.
SSE’s political engagement policy and procedures are available to all interested parties. We comply with the disclosure requirements of the voluntary EU Transparency Register, established by European Commission to provide transparency around the groups and organisations undertaking activities aimed at influencing the formulation or implementation of EU policy and legislation.
Trade association membership
Trade associations are not-for-profit organisations that act on behalf of industry and support the development of industry standards. One of the key ways in which SSE advocates on policy positions of importance to SSE, and the wider energy industry, is through its membership of Trade Associations. For transparency, SSE’s three most material trade association memberships are outlined below.