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As a responsible company, SSE aims to be as transparent as possible. Below you can access reports which detail the contribution SSE is making to society, the environment and the economy.
SSE has been making comprehensive environmental and social disclosures on a voluntary basis for many years to help stakeholders understand its key sustainability-related impacts and performance. SSE recognises a need for increased standardisation in sustainability-related disclosures to allow for better comparability and decision making for investors and other stakeholders assessing company performance. It welcomes the work being undertaken by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) to create a global baseline of sustainability-related disclosure standards and it is engaging in the consultation process.
SSE response to ISSB Exposure Drafts IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 consultation
Sustainability reports
Net Zero Transition Report
SSE understands that net zero targets are only credible when backed up by a clear plan of action. SSE’s Net Zero Transition Plan was designed to provide this clarity for its stakeholders. It outlines 17 key actions to ensure its net zero ambitions are met. The key actions focus primarily on addressing SSE’s largest source of GHG emissions from electricity generation, alongside a plan to address remaining GHG emissions, at the same time as recognising the cross-cutting issues of social impact and climate resilience. This Net Zero Transition Report for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 aims to support shareholders understand the progress SSE has made in pursuing the targets and actions established in its Net Zero Transition Plan. It has been designed to be read alongside the climate-related disclosures in both the Sustainability Report 2024 and the Annual Report 2024. | ![]() |
Net Zero Transition Plan
SSE announced its long-term goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across its scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by 2040 (subject to security of supply requirements) and for remaining scope 3 emissions by 2050. These net zero ambitions are supported by our interim science-based targets aligned to a 1.5oC pathway. SSE’s Net Zero Transition Plan clearly sets out for our stakeholders the key actions we will take to drive progress towards these targets. | ![]() |
CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global environmental disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their risks and opportunities on climate change, water security and deforestation. Over 23,000 companies report through CDP on behalf of over 700 investors with over US$142 trillion in assets. In 2024, CDP combined its separate climate, water, and forest questionnaires into a single, integrated survey. SSE submitted its 2023/24 disclosure in October 2024, with scores expected in early 2025. | ![]() |
Climate change
CDP’s Climate Change programme requests information on the management of climate-related risks and low-carbon opportunities.
In 2023, SSE were awarded an ‘A’ grade for the third year running. SSE’s leadership in climate-related disclosure is demonstrated by its inclusion on the CDP’s A-List, which recognises the world’s leading companies based on their level of transparency and performance on climate change. SSE is one of around 360 companies worldwide which achieved an ‘A’ grade, placing the company in the top 2% of all scored companies.
SSE’s CDP Climate Change submission 2022/23.
SSE’s CDP Climate Change submission 2021/22
SSE’s CDP Climate Change submission 2020/21.
SSE’s CDP Climate Submission 2019/20.
SSE's CDP Climate Change submission 2018/19.
SSE’s CDP Climate Change submission 2017/18.
CDP’s Water programme requests information from companies about their water management. Water plays a significant role in SSE’s operations, being used in the energy production process including as a coolant in power stations and a source for power generation in hydroelectric generators.
In 2023, SSE was awarded a score of B through the CDP Water programme.
SSE’s CDP Water submission 2022/23.
SSE’s CDP Water submission 2021/22.
SSE’s CDP Water submission 2020/21.
SSE's CDP Water submission 2019/20.
SSE's CDP Water submission 2018/19.
SSE’s CDP Water submission 2017/18.
Acknowledging deforestation and forest degradation as a major driver of climate change and biodiversity loss, SSE responded to the CDP Forests programme for the second year running. SSE disclosed its approach to managing the risks associated with its timber consumption for distribution infrastructure and electricity generation from biomass.
In 2023, SSE was awarded a score of B through the CDP Forests programme.
A number of SSE’s stakeholders seek increased transparency around its polices and advocacy on climate change. SSE has undertaken a thorough review of its trade association memberships during 2022/23 to ensure that the policy positions of the organisations it is part of are aligned with its own on climate change. The results show that of the 28 trade associations which were in scope, 22 were found to be fully aligned and six partially aligned. You can find the full review, alongside the scope and methodology, below.
Trade Associations Climate Review 2022/23
Trade Associations Climate Review 2022/23 – scope and methodology
Trade Associations Climate Review 2021/22
Trade Associations Climate Review 2021/22 – scope and methodology
Trade Associations Climate Review 2020/21
Trade Associations Climate Review – scope and methodology
Over 2023/24, SSE issued two new Green Bonds: a €750m eight-year Green Bond in August 2023, earmarked for flagship onshore and offshore wind projects recently completed or under construction; and, a £500m 20-year Green Bond in January 2024, to finance and/or refinance transmission infrastructure projects. These represent SSE’s sixth and seventh Green Bonds and bring the total outstanding Green Bonds issued by SSE and subsidiaries to £3.7bn, reaffirming SSE’s status as the largest issuer of Green Bonds in the UK corporate sector. The proceeds from all seven of SSE’s Green Bonds were directly allocated to the refinancing of eligible green projects listed in the Green Bond Frameworks, and therefore fully employed at settlement. A commitment was given to update investors each year on the allocation of proceeds and environmental impact from the Bond. SSE’s Green Bond reports are detailed below, along with Ernst & Young LLP's independent assurance of allocation to specific eligible green projects. | ![]() |
SSE’s stakeholders are keen to understand the resilience of its business to the impacts of climate change. To provide enhanced disclosure, SSE has assessed the resilience of SSE’s gas businesses to different climate-related scenarios in its ‘Transition to net zero’ report. This builds on the earlier work SSE did in its ‘Post Paris’ report, published in July 2017, which modelled the company's resilience to the decarbonisation of the electricity industry in Great Britain, against three different warming scenarios. | ![]() |
SSE’s Environment Strategy outlines Group-wide goals across three priority areas which represent the most material areas of environmental impact for SSE’s activities. Like SSE’s business strategy, the Environment Strategy is aligned to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which focus SSE’s efforts for environmental improvement on the areas that have been identified as key for sustainable development. These areas are:
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![]() | SSE’s Biodiversity Report 2022 highlights the work SSE has undertaken to protect and restore nature over 2021/22. This report covers a longer period than usual by also including disclosures over the period to December 2022 too. You can access previous reports at the links below: |
Inclusion and Diversity Report 2023
![]() | Inclusion and Diversity Report Reflecting its increased strategic focus on driving greater inclusion and diversity across the business and supply chain, SSE annually publishes a comprehensive Inclusion and Diversity Report, providing detailed information on SSE’s Inclusion and Diversity Strategy, progress made, and key performance indicators. Transparent reporting is a key component of improving inclusion and diversity and allows SSE to share learnings, as well as gain feedback from key stakeholders. Inclusion and Diversity Report 2024 |
SSE's UK gender pay gap
SSE first published its UK Gender Pay Gap in June 2016, using the UK Government draft methodology which was available at the time. Each year, SSE discloses the key gender pay gap data required alongside a discussion around the trends in its Sustainability Reports, which can be found in the top section of this page. For the last two years, SSE has also published this information in its Inclusion and Diversity Reports, which can be found in this section, alongside detailed disclosure of the action SSE is taking to improve inclusion and diversity within the company.
SSE's Irish gender pay gap
SSE's annual reports disclose gender pay gap information for its workforce in Ireland, alongside a discussion on trends in the data.
SSE first disclosed gender pay gap data for Ireland in 2021, ahead of government requirements. In 2022, the Irish Government’s methodology was established and adopted by SSE.
Ireland gender pay gap report 2024
UK ethnicity pay gap
Demonstrating its commitment to the Change the Race Ratio, SSE voluntarily published its UK ethnicity pay gap for the first time in 2024, in line with the UK Government’s ethnicity pay gap methodology. The disclosure and details of the methodology used can be found on pages 16 and 17 of the Inclusion and Diversity Report 2024.
Hampton Alexander
The Hampton-Alexander Review on gender balance in FTSE leadership, set out in Reports in 2016 and 2017, builds on the success of the voluntary business-led approach of the Davies Review for Women on Boards. It has set a target for 33% of Executive Committees and their Direct Reports in FTSE 350 companies to be women by 2020.
The energy sector must overcome a legacy of industry and societal factors to improve the gender imbalance in leadership positions. SSE is therefore not in a position, immediately, to sign up to the Hampton-Alexander recommendations. We have, however, outlined a comprehensive response to the Review and have set ourselves a series of important ambitions for women at senior leadership level at SSE. Those ambitions, while not reaching the levels Hampton-Alexander propose, represent a significant development for the company. Please click here to read SSE’s full response to Hampton-Alexander which sets out our approach and actions to meet our targets.
Social mobility and valuing difference
![]() | SSE is working with the Social Mobility Pledge on how to tackle the opportunity gap. As a large UK employer, SSE is supporting a green recovery by boosting jobs and opportunities, and supporting a diverse range of people to join the industry and have meaningful careers. This report has been produced by the Social Mobility Pledge. It details how SSE is working to reduce the opportunity gap in the UK and Ireland through its existing social mobility initiatives and is committed to further action in the wake of the coronavirus crisis. SSE is a signatory to the Social Mobility Pledge and the C-19 Business Pledge. |
![]() | SSE’s 2020 Just Transition Strategy aims to help to protect workers and communities as the UK transitions out of a high-carbon world and towards net zero.
Later in 2024, researchers from the University of Edinburgh delivered the Just Transition: developing the skills for a net-zero present and future report, with funding for research provided by SSE. This report identifies traditional (decline) and emerging (growth) jobs and skills across six UK employment sectors, analysing employment figures, skills compositions and overlaps with the energy industry and exploring opportunities for ensuring that the transition is managed in a just way. |
SSE Renewables commits to reporting on every project which receives a donation from our community funds and we annually publish Community Investment Reviews which highlight how the support from wind farms is helping power local change across the UK and Ireland. Each year community funds in Great Britain, Northern Ireland and Ireland deliver grants to community projects, helping not-for-profit organisations realise their ambitions. See the Community Investment page to read about the transformational projects making a real difference in local areas.
- Human Rights and Modern Slavery Statement 2024
- Human Rights and Modern Slavery Statement 2023
- Human Rights and Modern Slavery Statement 2022
- Modern Slavery Statement 2021
- Modern Slavery Statement 2020
- Modern Slavery Statement 2019
- Modern Slavery Statement 2018
- Modern Slavery Statement 2017
- Modern Slavery Statement 2016
This report, published March 2023 by SSE Renewables, shows that the Beatrice Community Fund invested £6 million in the local communities during the construction and operation of the offshore wind farm. The report highlights the impact of the wind farm on local jobs, skills creation and enhancing community assets. The report also highlights the impact of the investments against the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
SSE commissioned PwC UK1 to estimate SSE’s gross contribution to the GDP and employment of the UK, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland (Ireland). The FY24 report estimates that SSE's activities contributed £5.96bn to UK GDP in 2023/24 which supported 53,230 jobs. Within Ireland, €1.06bn was contributed by SSE to GDP and 3,270 jobs were supported in 2023/24. This is the 13th year of SSE calculating its economic contribution to the UK and Ireland, with the analysis showing that it has contributed over £96.2bn (in current prices) across these economies over the last decade.
1'PwC’ refers to the UK member firm and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see www.pwc.com/structure for further details.
FY24 – UK, Scotland and Republic of Ireland
FY23 - UK, Scotland and Republic of Ireland
FY22 - UK, Scotland and Republic of Ireland
FY21 - UK, Scotland and Republic of Ireland
FY20 - UK, Scotland and Republic of Ireland
FY19 - UK, Scotland and Republic of Ireland
FY18 - UK, Scotland and Republic of Ireland
FY17 - UK, Scotland and Republic of Ireland
FY16 - UK, Scotland and Republic of Ireland
FY15 - UK, Scotland and Republic of Ireland
FY14 - UK, Scotland and Northern Ireland
TALKING TAX 2024SSE’s Talking Tax 2024 report offers a transparent explanation of SSE’s tax disclosure for financial year 2023/24. The report provides a clear and accessible account of what taxes SSE pays and where, and is designed to be accessible to non-tax specialists. In 2023/24, SSE’s total tax contribution was £1.47bn, inclusive of the taxes it pays and collects on behalf of Government. The report also presents SSE's Tax Strategy in detail. Read the full 2024 Talking Tax Report. Previous reports are available to view at the links below: | ![]() |
Socio-economic and impact studies
This report, published April 2021 by SSE Renewables, shows that our Strathy North, Achany, Gordonbush and Gordonbush Extension wind farms in Sutherland in the Highlands of Scotland are expected to contribute £485 million to the UK economy, throughout their development, construction and operational life. £327 million of that money is expected to be contributed to the Scottish economy with the Scottish Highlands benefitting from £131 million during the lifetime of the four projects. This analysis for the report was provided by leading economic consultancy, BiGGAR Economics. Read the April 2021 socio-economic report here. Read the December 2020 BiGGAR Economics report, including the full methodology for the economic contribution calculation, here. | ![]() |
Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Limited is Scotland's second largest offshore wind farm and a joint venture partnership between SSE Renewables (40%), Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (35%) and Red Rock Power Limited (25%) with development, construction and now operation led by SSE Renewables on behalf of the partnership.
In July 2019, SSE Renewables published a report which describes the socio-economic benefits of Beatrice as a result of its development, onshore construction, offshore construction and operations and maintenance, with analysis undertaken by BiGGAR Economics, and is the most comprehensive analysis to date of the economic impact of the Beatrice Offshore Windfarm. It found the development, construction and 25-year lifetime operation of Beatrice is expected to generate £2.4bn of value for the UK economy, of which £1bn is expected to be in Scotland. The report also includes additional detail in relation to each of the phases of project delivery, including a number of case studies and key learnings for the future. It updates socio-economic analysis previously published in 2017.
- Read the July 2019 socio-economic report here.
- Read the July 2019 BiGGAR Economics report, including the full methodology for the economic contribution calculation, here.
July 2017 socio-economic report
In 2019, BiGGAR Economics was commissioned by SSE Renewables to undertake a socio-economic impact assessment of Strathy North Wind Farm. This study quantified the economic impact of Strathy North wind farm and reviewed the community benefit associated with the wind farm.
During the development and construction of Strathy North Wind Farm, it was estimated that companies and organisations in Scotland secured contracts worth £59.4 million. The area is expected to secure £100.6 million in OPEX contracts over the wind farm’s operational lifetime (£4.0 million annually). Overall the expenditure, including decommissioning, secured in Scotland is expected to be £165.0 million, or 73% of TOTEX.
Read the full BiGGAR Economics report here.
SSE Renewables commissioned BiGGAR Economics to undertake analysis of four assets in the Great Glen area of northern Scotland: Glendoe hydro station, Dunmaglass onshore wind farm, Bhlaraidh onshore wind farm and Stronelairg onshore wind farm.
The analysis showed that together these four projects are expected to generate over £1.2bn of value for the Scottish economy during their lifetime. Of this, £360m of value will be felt directly in the Great Glen, which will see 130 jobs supported by the projects annually during their operation. A further 250 jobs across Scotland are expected to be supported by the operation of these projects.
Renewable energy has always been at the core of SSE’s strategy and for the past 15 years. SSE has been a leading player in the UK’s offshore wind industry. In that time, SSE has proven its ability to deliver industry leading offshore wind projects including the development, construction and operation of Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm and, come spring 2019, the Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm. This report explores the contributions SSE’s made, and continues to make, in the UK and Ireland. | ![]() |
In the ten years between March 2008 and March 2018 SSE’s onshore wind capacity increased three-fold. SSE’s expansion of its onshore wind portfolio in the UK and Ireland has delivered clean, low-carbon electricity, important investment in the UK, Scottish and Irish economies, and good quality jobs, many of which are located in areas where economic activity tends to be low. This report explores the contributions SSE’s decade of clean growth has made, and continues to make, in the UK and Ireland. The methodology document can be viewed here. | ![]() |
- Galway wind park sustainability impact report
- Caithness-Moray impact study (2016)
- District heating impact study (2016)
- Keadby wind farm Sustainability impact report (2016)
- The economic contribution of the Clyde Extension wind farm construction project (2016)
- The economic impact of SSE’s supply chain Living Wage commitment (2015)
![]() | Be the Difference Annual Review 2016/17 – SSE Ireland SSE Ireland’s latest annual review of its employee volunteering programme, Be the Difference. The review looks back on the volunteering and fundraising activities of SSE’s employees across the island of Ireland during financial year 2016/17. It was another impressive year of employee volunteering at SSE Ireland, with 455 days – equivalent to €130,000 in working hours - donated to 49 different charities and community groups. |
![]() | Be the Difference Annual Review 2015/16 – SSE Ireland The review looks back on the volunteering and fundraising activities of SSE’s employees across the island of Ireland during financial year 2015/16. It was another impressive year of employee volunteering at SSE Ireland, with 490 days – equivalent to a 55% staff participation rate – donated to 51 different charities and community groups. |