SSE provides energy needed today while building a better world of energy for tomorrow.

We develop, build, operate and invest in low-carbon electricity infrastructure in support of the transition to net zero. This includes onshore and offshore wind, hydro power, flexible thermal generation, electricity transmission and distribution networks, and localised energy systems. We also provide energy products and services for business and other customers.

<b>Fulfilling SSE's potential - Chair's statement</b>

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“In the context of the climate emergency, it is vital that we align our activities with a pathway consistent with limiting global warming to 1.5°C, and to recognised global frameworks.”

Sir John Manzoni, Chair, SSE plc

Financial highlights

In the face of exceptional macro-economic conditions, SSE saw strong financial performance in 2021/22 thanks to its resilient business model, solid operational delivery and good progress on its strategy.

Download KPIs

Operating profit


Operating profit


Profit before tax


Earnings per share




Adjusted investment and capex

(after refunds, including acquisitions)

Our strategy

Creating value for shareholders and society in a sustainable way by developing, building, operating and investing in the electricity infrastructure and businesses needed in the transition to net zero.

The Net Zero Acceleration Programme

SSE is leading the way on decarbonisation of the energy system through its fully-funded £12.5bn investment plans to 2026 and ambitious business targets aligned to a 1.5°C global warming pathway.

£12.5bn investment - a fully funded plan to 2026

In November 2021, SSE announced its Net Zero Acceleration Programme to add impetus to decarbonisation of the energy system and consolidate its standing as a national clean energy champion in both the UK and Ireland.

Central to the Net Zero Acceleration Programme are a fully-funded £12.5bn capital expenditure plan to 2026 focused on low-carbon electricity assets and infrastructure, and ambitious 2031 targets aligned to a 1.5°C global warming pathway.

Events in the months since November 2021 have underscored SSE’s belief that its net zero focused strategy, delivered by a balanced mix of market-based and economically-regulated businesses, offers the optimal route to sustainable growth for the Group and value creation for all stakeholders.

A growth-focused dividend policy

SSE’s Net Zero Acceleration Programme called for a dividend plan aligned to an ambitious new growth profile. Accordingly, after meeting its existing commitment to target RPI increases to 2022/23, it will rebase the dividend to 60p in 2023/24 before targeting at least 5% increases in 2024/25 and 2025/26.

Read more about the Net Zero Acceleration Programme

Rebased dividend

Rebased dividend at 60p from 2023/24 to grow at least 5% p.a. to March 2026

Rebased dividend

Rebased dividend at 60p from 2023/24 to grow at least 5% p.a. to March 2026

Adjusted EPS CAGR growth

Projected by March 2026 from 2020/21 baseline of 87.5p

RAV growth

Networks RAV growth of +10% gross CAGR

Renewables capacity growth

Delivering 4GW addition to 8GW net

Contributing across the energy value chain

SSE has a resilient and highly complementary business model built on a mix of market-based
and economically-regulated businesses, supported by effective Group Services.

Together, as a Group, these businesses are perfectly positioned to capture the substantial growth opportunities generated by driving and accelerating the net zero agenda through electricity infrastructure.

<b>Powering sustainable change</b>

“Sustainable outcomes do not happen by accident. They are the result of careful decision making that ensures social, environmental and economic impacts are balanced and enhance value. 2021/22 was an important year to that end, not least in developing detailed action plans that support the achievement of net zero." <br><br> <b>Rachel McEwen</b>, Chief Sustainability Officer

A sustainable approach

With an eye to net zero, in 2022 SSE revised its interim goals aligned to the UN’s SDGs for 2030.
Find out more in our 2022 Sustainability report.

"SSE’s Net Zero Acceleration Programme forms the foundations of a decade of unprecedented growth. Assuming a continued supportive policy environment, our net investment into vital UK and Ireland infrastructure could exceed £25bn over the next 10 years, creating jobs and addressing the energy crisis." <br><br><b>Alistair Phillips-Davies</b>, Chief Executive, SSE plc