I’m proud to lead a company that is committed to building a better world of energy for future generations. In our recently published Greenprint SSE unveiled proposals to spearhead a green recovery that included: ensuring we have the most the most extensive and efficient EV charging infrastructure in the world by 2025; ending the sale of petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030; and working towards full decarbonisation of corporate fleets by 2030.
So I’m delighted to throw both my professional and personal weight behind World EV Day on 9 September. Within SSE our Enterprise division is one of the founding partners for this event which is designed to put the spotlight firmly on the need for innovative EV solutions – something this business is already setting the pace for.
SSE Enterprise is currently working alongside transport authorities and operators to offer innovative infrastructure solutions which can help drive the shift to sustainable road transport and a zero-emission future for all. For example, it has led the way on turning London’s iconic red buses green by helping to install the first and largest fully electric bus depot in London and they’re also pioneering next generation technology that will allow buses to become two way chargers.
Likewise, SSE Enterprise has an exciting project in train with partners InfraTech Property Solutions (IPS) to convert hundreds of lockup garages across London into community EV charging hubs to transform the way we charge vehicles and help deliver a greener capital. This is important because it is not technological improvements and better battery life in new EVs that will give people the confidence to make the switch – it is reliable and readily accessible charging infrastructure.
The World EV Day campaign is also asking people to make an online pledge to make their next car purchase an EV which is a great thing to support as signing up helps get us further down the road towards net zero emissions.
Within SSE itself there’s now a great deal more choice on company EVs which helps our employees switch to EVs and gives us greater credibility when it comes to our stated low-carbon ambitions as a company.
On a personal note I’ve just taken ownership of a new EV myself and so it’s good to make a greener choice when it comes to my own transport. I’d actively encourage others to think about making the EV switch. If the pledge is something of interest just follow the link and share it with friends and family. Happy World EV day!