Having worked closely with investor group Climate Action 100+ over 2020/21, SSE proposed an enabling resolution to its July 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) asking shareholders to accept and approve the Company’s proposal to adopt a plan to become net zero across its scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions by 2050 or sooner. The resolution received 99.96% of the votes cast in favour and established a framework for SSE to propose a resolution at each AGM for shareholders to receive, consider and express non-binding advisory approval of SSE’s Net Zero Transition Report.
To aid the vote, SSE published a Net Zero Transition Plan in March 2022, from which its Net Zero Transition Reports will be based. The Plan sets out defined targets and actions to allow for clear and simple disclosures which will facilitate high quality engagement. Ahead of the 2022 AGM, SSE will undertake a programme of shareholder engagement on the Net Zero Transition Report, which will be published in June 2022.